I've been taking pictures for a few months, or over year now, can't remember how long, it's an incredible enjoyment. I work solely with B&W, mostly because I can develop it at home for a penny, at least that's the reasoning when I started, now I don't think I'd go back to color even if I could lavishly afford it.
Most of my pictures, under the bright sun have been quite harsh and contrasty, didn't like any of the very much although sometimes one or two slip through that I really enjoy. This one though, out of sheer luck as usual blew my mind. It is... perfect. The details (and lack thereof) the tones, composition I love it.
I was scanning a developed roll not thinkig or hoping for anything just sort of mindlessly looking and saw this one (and a few others that I took in the same place) that just struck me, YES, I DID IT. PERFECT.
The faschinating process of exposing and developing film, an ongoing saga.
This one, for the sake of bookkeeping so I'll never forget (although I'd never forget it anyways);
Leica Summarit 5cm f1.5 at f2.8 or f4 probably (notorious for being soft, very un-leica like, I love it! But the image is super sharp still, maybe I got a great copy)
Shutter speed probably 1/60 might been 1/30
A treestump under and surounded by trees in a small gravely road, draped in shadows, no direct sunlight.
Rollei Retro 100, EI 50 (I'm 90% sure it's at EI 50)
I developed it in Rodinal, for 60 minutes. First minute 20 slow agitations, then let sit for 59 minutes, stand development in other words..
Scanned with Epson 4990 with it's epson scan software
2400DPI I think
No sharpening, no dust removal, no nothing, just a straight up and down scan.
Now If only I could get this sort of tonality and picture quality in Sunny scenes a.k.a. Sunny-16 conditions.