Best movie experience I've had in my life so far. Now, I've seen both
films a few times before already, of course, so I wasn't sure if I
should go see it again, I thought I should let it rest for a few years
before watching it again but then I thought "these films on the
cinema... when will I get that chance again?"... so I went! And damn
and I glad I did. These two films, especially Streetcar is so much
better on the big screen it's freaky. It was as if I saw them for the
first time.
Usually when I watch a film unless it's SUPER good I get bored after
an hours, my mind is simply all over the place sometimes, but I flew
threw both these films and it was pure joy. Watching Brando (I call
him "my teacher" in my head, because he really is the one who taught
me acting) on the big screen is just fascinating and I hope to do just
a good of a job like he one day!
One thing that was fascinating was to hear peoples reaction watching
the film. People were laughing quite a lot at Brando. Not AT him but
with him like he was a jokester, people were obviously on "his side"
from the beginning which was interesting. Yes it is different watching
films in a situation like that.
I sat as I mostly do in the middle of the 4th row. I slide forward a
bit to the edge of my seat with my neck resting on the back-rest and
kick my feet up and life is good. It really is one of my favorite
things to do.
I saw Streetcar yesterday and just got back home from watching The
Fugitive Kind and yea Marlon is great of course but this time I really
took a huge shine towards Anna Magnani. She really put on a fantastic
performance in this film and I've heard people don't like her acting,
they must be out of their minds. "Smaken som baken", as they say in
Sweden. And I almost cried at the end of the film when she is standing
in her thing that she build up that the old man burns down right after
she tells Xavier a bunch of heartfellt stuff and takes a handfull of
those things that hang down and puts it on her while swirling... wow.
She actually looks like a skinny version of my mom a lot, freaky.
So there you go, my definitely best movie experience so far. Maybe I
can give you, the future reader, one one day.
Still don't know how to get to L.A. I keep myself busy a bit with
photography and I've just run out of money, but it's cool, I really
don't give a rats ass about money.