Thursday, December 25, 2008
Poem, Solitude.

Ginger Tee

It saw.
It conquered the cold.
I feel like a million bucks, although it made me sleep for twelve hours...
After I took a hit of that I couldn't keep my eyes open to save my life so I gave up, but I feel great today, Fuck you Oranges, Hello Gingah'.
Since I don't have Ginger left at home anymore I can't make a video but here is everybodies Kevin Rose teaching us How-To, enjoy:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The "Common" Cold

Moms couldn't speak for 2 days (thank god for that) and dad was bedridden and hasn't gone to work (first time ever) although I tried to dodge it like it was aids alas... here I lay.
If it is possible to die from the cold I am possibly headed down that road.
Wikipedia says:
"Acute viral nasopharyngitis, or acute coryza, usually known as the common cold, is a highly contagious, viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory system, primarily caused by picornaviruses (including rhinoviruses) or coronaviruses.
Common symptoms are sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing; sometimes accompanied by 'pink eye', muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headaches, muscle weakness, and loss of appetite. Fever and extreme exhaustion are more usual in influenza. The symptoms of a cold usually resolve after about one week, but can last up to two. Symptoms may be more severe in infants and young children. Although the disease is generally mild and self-limiting, patients with common colds often seek professional medical help, use over-the-counter drugs, and may miss school or work days. The annual cumulative societal cost of the common cold in developed countries is considerable in terms of money spent on remedies, and hours of work lost.
The primary method to prevent infection is hand-washing to minimize person-to-person transmission of the virus. There are no antiviral drugs approved to treat or cure the infection. Most available medications are palliative and treat symptoms only. Megadoses of vitamin C, preparations from echinacea, and zinc gluconate have been studied as treatments for the common cold although none has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration or European Medicines Agency."
Well for a few days anyway.
I have to head to the kitchen, my friend Gustavo S (Who famously INVENTED the phrase F.O.B, Food over Bitches) said that vitamin C is good, which the Wiki article implies, so I'm going to overdose on that now, if I don't make it alive... whoever reads this can have my dreamcast.
Friday, December 19, 2008
A song for the lovers.
Joni Mitchell - Blue Motell Room
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mmmm Science!
In the past couple of weeks I've learned quite a lot about space and time and abstract stuff.
Just today I learned about time. It's really a very abstract thing to say the least. Time is a lot more then just the time on your watch or your digital clock.
Time is relative. It's relative to big ass objects in space. The time (as it were) runs at a constant speed here on earth because YOU as an individual who preserves time is standing on earth which is a BAOIS (Big Ass Object In Space). If you would take a trip out in space where you are nowhere near anything with mass time for you would SPEED UP. Time for you would go faster then us people on earth and thus you would grow older faster etc.
Admittedly they did not say how faster it would be, but I can imagine it being very very very tiny, like... you would not notice a difference, BUT there IS a difference and that's fucking A.
So they closer you get to something with larger mass, the more time slows down. They tested this theory out. They shot a radio beam on to the surface of Mercury, and waited for a signal to come back. Since Mercury was at a certain distance away they figured out it would take X amount of time for it to get back to earth. They shot a beam just as it was passing behind the sun. The radio beams wizzed past the sun, bounced of Mercury and came back, but it had taken LONGER then it should have because as the radio beams traveled past the sun which indeed is a BAOIS the time for the radio beam slowed down and IT slowed down. And that is fucking interesting, and that's not even the top and bottom of it, I just scraped the tip of the ice berg.
If you wanna see the BBC documentary you can find it here (it's a torrent).
Science, YOU ROCK.
More long ass boring facts like this that interests me later ^_^
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Top 25 list on iTunes

There are a lot of songs that are not on the list but should be there but haven't gotten on there probably because I skip the last tiny bit before iTunes can record it as I have listened to it once.
I've come across some really really good tunes lately as well that are really fresh (for me anyways) like Alex Morph - Walk The Edge(Morph Woody van Eyden Remix) HQ. I like thoes heavy'ish techno kind of songs, they bring a lot of emotions with them somehow. Probably because I personally link them to some video I have seen or some Idea for a film or scene or something that is rolling in my head.
Vibe Tribe - Carousel
But also classics such as The Thorns - No Blue Sky, Kings of Convinience - Homesick. Amazing songs!
It's probably one of the greatest songs ever made, lyrically and all. It struck such a strong meaning to me. I don't really want to get into it but I was going through a really rough patch at a point in my life and I found this song hanging around and I found it and listened to it by accident and 2pac just sang everything I felt. So it has a really deep connection with me (wow that didn't sound corny at all). He must have wrote that song to a certain someone, he wanted that person to listen to that song and just ask that person Don't you trust me?
Don't you trust me?
10/10 Mr Shakur
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Food for thought part Un
So I am gonna start showing off some amazing food now and again for your eyes to feast.
Today we start off with what my sis made today (the only good thing with having an older sister).

Chocolate cake with whipped cream! Suck it.
Here is a recipe for A (not the one we used, you think I am mad?) chocolate cake, make it, eat it, love it.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dear readers.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Mills Brothers - Moanin' for you
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
I am having Hyundai Atos dreams
Ignore the guy to the right, that's Google's work. I am not middle-aged and balding with a green jacket, OK?
People don't know but me and a certain Atos (Rest In Peace) have had a very special bond. It was my friends car that served us amazingly well. This little Atos-that-could took us through rain or shine. Considering my friends are like 100kg each and we were usually three people crammed in the back this car went and went. We should have called it the Energizer bunny but instead it got the honors of being called Mr Bean.
Don't ask why.
I was sitting in the back of that car like a God. That little shit car once took us cross country in complete dusk where we avoided death several times just by the car's will power alone. Not to mention the fact that we had so little gas left we were practically running on fumes. That trip in itself is worth a post someday... maybe... if you deserve it.
That car was like our bat mobile, infact, if it was it would have looked something like THIS (the power of image editor's NEVER FAIL ME!).
So thanx for all the fish and see you later Atos a.k.a Mr Bean, although you deterred all the girls away from us whom didn't know what they were missing, you still is going down like a legend.
See you later, space cowboy!
808s & Heartbreaks
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Snow, back with a vengance.

It's white white as far as the eye can see, which is really not my cup of tea. I'm more of a spring/fall guy, I don't really like blistering heat and sunshine too much, something in the middle is perfect. But then again, I guess I would miss it if I was somewhere warmer.
Yay for seasons! But boo for winter.
Not in the mood to write too much, I feel like going into hibernation until the winter is over... Anywho, the song of the day is Elvis Costello feat Burt Bacharach - I Still Have That Other Girl. Amazing song.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A lot more of this to come, trust me.
Diablo 2 Intro
I actually get chills down my neck every time Marius says:
"Why did I follow him? I don't know... Why do things happen as they do in dreams? All I know is that when he beckoned, I had to follow him. From that moment we traveled together, east, always into the east!"
End it off with a dramatic music and DIABLO 2 loggo.
I love you blizzard.
I am actually thinking if I should/can use this as an audition for when/if (If I have the guts) to try to roll into an acting school here in stockholm, Kulturama.
More on games later, there are too many gems in the gaming world that I need to share. Revolver Ocelot or The G-Man next.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This day shall go down in history...
...as the worst day in a long fucking time. As soon as you wake up and you got a headache like you've been to the craziest party last night BUT YOU HAVEN'T, you KNOW the day is gonna be full of kick in the balls.
I don't believe in God or anything like that but I believe in karma, for sure, equilibrium. Like if i am all moody and think of negative thoughts about my mom because she annoyed me or whatever, I am defenitely gonna drop a plate, walk into a wall, or something is gonna fall on me. This is boarder line science for me, I can almost feel it coming, so I can hug my balls in advance like a wall of soccer players, so when I do get the brunt force of karma at least my boys are out of harms way.
So I'm in a piss poor mood all day but at least I get my ass to the gym, one place where I can "dO mY tHanGG" and chill out for a bit...
...or can I?
Because as soon as I step out of the locker room I realize that I've locked my keys in the fucking locker which means I have to brutally murder my lock and buy a new one, which maybe seems like a "whatever dude" thing but it's fucking annoying isn't it? Especially when you're day has been shit already.
So I keep working out and think "whatever dude" and I just try to "dO mY tHanGG" as we established earlier. But karma isn't far away because as soon as I am chill i drop a fucking 15pound weight thingy on my big toe, of all fucking places.
DAMN YOU ! ! !
So my big toe is all screwed up, I am limping like the Hunchback of Notre Dame and its throbbing like a... OK let's not get into that kind of innuendos.
The saving grace of the day was that I saw the most gorgeous girl in a long time that I made eye contact with and SHOULD have talked to because she was walking right besides me for at least 200 metes but alas... with the luck I had today probably would've turned out her boyfriend was walking behind me and he is a ex-con or something. Still have her in my mind though, damn!
Getting home and eating my delish food was good though but the day isn't over yet, don't know what karma has in store, maybe I have payed my due's for today.
Thanx karma... asshole.
Monday, November 17, 2008
What's up with the weather?
The weather sure is really freaky.
We should listen to Al Gore more.
I have this awesome idea for a book I want to do and publish, the problem is though I have no idea how to get it done. It's not a book with a story and such, it's just pictures so I can't write a copy and send it to a publisher...
I'm really excited about the book though and if I can find someone who wants to invest time and money to get it done (sorta need to travel around the world a little to get it done) I'll tell you all what the book is about, I'm super excited.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Easy Like Sunday Morning

I'm not much of a winter person that's for sure so wish I was somewhere warmer. My good buddy Alex F. is over at the west coast of the americas at the moment, lucky bastard. That guy is a comedy genius, let it be known, I called it this early. I've yet to meet someone as funny as him, I look forward to coming up with some random insane shit someday, hopefully soon.
PS: Wrote this whole post with my left hand, where is my medal?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Lagaan: Once Upon A Time In India
My friends an I got together to watch a film last night as usual, good times. After much deliberation two of my friends convinced us to watch this Indian movie, "fine", i thought, since I've never watched an Indian movie before.
They forgot to mention that the movie was 224 minutes long though... Do you have any idea how long that is? That's 3hours and 44 minutes of outbursts into song and cricket (shall not me confused with polo, like one of my friends did, I love that guy)
I'll say this though, I actually enjoyed the movie. Yea it was nice. The singing and the dancing part was the best obviously since I in my mind was dancing and singing a long as well.
It was a good way to end a horribly stressing day, which makes no sense since I had nothing important to do but my brain kept me busy as usual more on that later though, stay tuned.
Lagaan IMDB